Rex, Lucy and I went out for a quick run this afternoon to enjoy the beautiful weather that is unfortunately coming to an end tomorrow as rain and a 20 degree temperature drop are in our forecast. The first part of the run was great and our pace was about 20 seconds faster than what I've been averaging. Unfortunately, the neighbor's dog (I live out in the country so by neighbor I'm talking the couple that live about half a mile up the road ;)) decided to take an interest in us. This dog has been around forever, I can't even imagine how old he is, but since Rex doesn't "know" him, I figured we better use a bit of caution so we walked for a bit as to not inadvertently put him on the defensive. Well, that plan was just great until he decided to follow us! So, I had to redirect our path to loop him around back home and head back towards my house to finish off on the trail that runs along the back side of our property. No such luck again as my aunt (also my neighbor) happened to be on her way home from work and stopped to chat. By that time, I decided to just head back to the house. So, it was nothing fantastic, but at least I got out and did something. Not bad for being up since 4:30 this morning! There are plenty of times in the past that would have been an excuse to not get out and moving.
In other news, Brock (my youngest) has finally lost his very first tooth. I think he was probably the last in his class and the silly thing had been loose for six weeks or better. He was thrilled that the tooth fairy remembered to visit, and also very inquisitive about what the tooth fairy does with all those teeth. I can't believe my boys are getting so big. Am I really old enough to have a 12 and 7 year old?!?!

P.S. If someone can remind me how to add links/widgets etc. to the sides of the blog, I would be very grateful. So far, I'm just drawing a blank when I click in the "Design" tab.
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