This was one of 25 thought-provoking questions from a link posted on another blog I read (Thanks, Robin!) and although many of them spoke to me, this one seemed most fitting for this week. We all tend to be creatures of habit, some of us more than others. There are certain things about myself that I have always just identified as true. I am NOT a runner. I am NOT an athlete. I do NOT wear pink. I do NOT golf.
Then I went and caught this little running bug and for whatever reason, one of the side effects has been a bit of an awakening to how much else that is out there that I really wouldn't mind to try. You know, just to see if it's as "not me" as I think it is. So, when my husband asked if I wanted to come along to the golf course and drive the cart so we could hang out as a family today I said, "Sure, why not?" Now, we've been married almost 12 years and I'm pretty sure he's heard "I do NOT golf!" about a zillion times so you can imagine his shock when I threw in that I'd rather try to play than just sit and drive the cart. It turns out it wasn't quite as horrible as I remember. I don't plan on joining the golf league any time soon, but it was a nice to spend time together outside of our usual dinner and a movie date routine.
So what else did this anti-golf, non-pink wearing, unathletic, non-runner do today? (I'm sorry in advance to anyone offended by poor use of the English language...I have a terrible habit of typing like I speak) Well, I got up before the sun and ran in my brand new pink running tank. So maybe I'm a bit of a late bloomer. They say that the thirties lead to not caring about fitting into the old labels that have always bound you. I am really starting to agree.
In other news, my dear husband ordered p90x which arrived in the mail today. He has decided this would be another good way to spend time together. Yikes! I'm willing to give it a try though to see how it goes. However, training for the half is still my priority so I may have to make some adjustments to just how much I participate. The race is on though and there is a VERY sweet prize system set up for the major milestones at 30, 60, and 90 days. Garmin, you will be mine!
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